It’s early in the morning, you need to get to Grandma’s house before the cousins or you’ll never hear the end of it. You can’t even remember if you packed a toothbrush, and the security line is 5 miles long. You’ve overpaid for your ticket last minute and you know that you’ll get no sleep on the plane based on the number of crying babies surrounding you now. Don’t let this nightmare become a reality when you travel for this Thanksgiving Day!

Holiday travel is famous for being terrible!
Breaking the Bank on Air
Airlines have continued to raise prices, and there is always a Thanksgiving Day travel price hike. While the airlines will set the prices, there are a few ways to get the cheapest option available.
Don’t be choosy about the airline. I know you have a stockpile of frequent flyer points, but because of the way airlines manage their flights, some routes can be hundreds of dollars cheaper with different airlines!
Look it up on Google Flights. Set your dates in and ask Google Flights to update you on price drops. Air rates fluctuate quickly, so snag a good price when you see it!
Fly Early or On Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving Day travel, everyone is trying to get in and out on the few days before and after the day itself. If you can fly further out and make a little vacation of it, consider doing that! Also, Thanksgiving Day itself tends to be very quiet, because everyone has already been through the travel nightmare.

Don’t let the airlines rake you over the coals.
Simple Things Add Up
Even something as simple as wearing slip on shoes for the security checkpoint can help save your sanity. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to streamline the process for yourself. Put your laptop in an easy to remove place and have a pocket dedicated to tickets and IDs. Throw some of your favorite snacks into your carry-on days before the trip as a welcome surprise. But no liquids, of course.
If you fly much at all, it’s worth it to get TSA Precheck. This lets you get into a faster security line. It costs very little and can make the experience so much better. And you get to keep your shoes on!
Also, check the benefits on your credit cards because many will rebate you the money you spend on TSA or Global Entry. By the way, if you ever fly internationally, Global Entry makes return to the U.S. a breeze. Global Entry only costs $15 more than Precheck, and Precheck is included.

Think Outside the Box
Thanksgiving Day travel is a uniquely American problem. Other countries celebrate Christmas, but Thanksgiving leads to a ton of travel within the United States, but much less outside of it. I know it’s tradition to have the casserole out of Aunt Carol’s weird ceramic cow bowl, but it’s a golden opportunity for international travel.
Find a place outside of the US that everyone could meet up and have a dinner together in Italy or Spain. Sure, it’s not traditional, but you can find some great deals and opportunities for international travel when almost every other American is cramming into a single house for Thanksgiving.
Nearby Canada celebrates Thanksgiving but in October, so maybe spend the U.S. Thanksgiving in Toronto or Quebec. Poutine goes great with turkey.
Use Technology
While we’re thinking outside the box. Consider skipping the problems of Thanksgiving Day travel altogether. We created a multitude of ways to connect over the internet, and a webcam is a lot cheaper than an airline ticket!
Create a menu with recipes and have everyone make a smaller portion at home, then connect with everyone in an online call. Plus, you won’t need to pretend to like Aunt Karen’s veggie dip with cottage cheese and marshmallows.
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